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“Miradas cruzadas: América Latina desde África, África desde América Latina y otros modelos comparativos.” América Latina y África: Vasos comunicantes desde la literatura. Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS). Mexico City, Mexico. April 24-26

Anthropology and Literature Now: Global South Methodologies (roundtable). Modern Language Association (MLA). New Orleans, LA. January 9-12 [Cancelled]


“An International Writers’ Workshop: The Iowa International Writing Program and the Legacies of the Aesthetic Cold War.” Decolonising the World Republic of Letters: Translation, Circulation, and Intellectual Networks across the Global South. Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH). Paris, France. May 23-24

“Africa and Science Fiction.” What is Africa? Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. January 16


“The Festivals are the Real Novels: The Latin American Writer on the World-Literary Circuit.” Novel Theory Seminar. Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University. December 6

Sures/Souths/Suls/Suds: Tracking Latin America-Africa Exchanges from the Twentieth Century to the Present (roundtable). Latin American Studies Association/Africa. Accra, Ghana. November 15-18 (virtual presentation)

“Festivals, Fellowships, Meetings, Programs: The Latin American Writer on the World-Literary Circuit.” World Exhaustion in Latin American Literatures and Cultures. University of Cologne. June 29-30

“Los legados del ‘boom’ latinoamericano: Gabriel García Márquez y la escritura africana contemporánea.” Gabo inagotable, nuevas lecturas en el siglo XXI. Universidad del Atlántico (co-organized with the Centro Cultural del Banco de la República). Barranquilla, Colombia. April 19

“Missed Connections: Mundo Nuevo, Transition, and the Network Failures of the Congress for Cultural Freedom.” Attachments, Interfaces, Dispersals. American Comparative Literature Association. Chicago, IL. March 16-19

“The Grounds for Comparison: On the Networks of the Congress of Cultural Freedom.” Atlantic Latinidades or Modes for Trans-Oceanic Engagement. Duke University. February 24-25


“On South-South Comparison: Questions of Method, History, and Location.” Thinking the Global South: Method, Theory, Strategy. Department of English and Creative Writing. University of Adelaide. October 15

“The Legacies of the Latin American ‘Boom’: Gabriel García Márquez and Contemporary African Writing.” Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Bowdoin College. September 28

Book Discussion: The African Heritage of Latinx and Caribbean Literature by Sarah Quesada. Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP). University of California, Los Angeles. September 14-17

“Point Zero: Alternative Futures in Diasporic African Speculative Fiction.” Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA). University of Oslo. June 27-July 1

On Freedom in African Literature (roundtable). African Literature Association. Virtual meeting. May 18-21

“Freedom and the Aesthetics of Futurity in Diasporic African Speculative Fiction.” Department of Comparative Literature Colloquium. University of Chicago. May 20

“The Locations of South-South Comparison: Contemporary African Literature and the Legacies of the Latin American ‘Boom.’” Global South Workshop. University of Chicago. May 6

Challenging Borders: Representations of the Global South (roundtable). Department of Romance Studies. Duke University (virtual). March 24


Reciprocity Criticism: Friendship, Shared Books, Critical Dialogue (roundtable). Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP). Virtual meeting. October 27-30

"New Critical Directions in Global South Studies: A Conversation with Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra." Workshop in Transnational Cultural History. Northwestern University. October 7

“Resituating South-South Comparisons: Contemporary African Literature and the Legacies of the Latin American ‘Boom.’” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). Virtual meeting. April 8-11

The Ethics of Graduate Student Advising (roundtable). American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). Virtual meeting. April 8-11

From Africa to Latin America and Back: Literature, Institutions, and Best Practices (roundtable). Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages. Stanford University (virtual). March 15


“The Dictator Novel: Writers and Politics in the Global South.” Department of English, Monmouth University (virtual). November 20

“The Dictator Novel: Writers and Politics in the Global South.” Humanities Center, University of Pittsburgh (virtual). October 1


Latin American Studies New Books Symposium, Penn State. November 15

Research Methods in African Literary Studies (roundtable). African Literature Association (ALA). Columbus, OH. May 15-18

Anthropocene Storytelling: Ecological Writing and Pedagogies of Planetary Change. Penn State. April 18-19

“Returns of the Post-Global: Migration, Circulation, and the Dislocations of Literature.” Global South Studies: A Symposium and Workshop. University of Virginia. March 28-30

“The Historical Novel and Global-Knowing: Booms, Genre, and the Uses of Comparison.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). Washington, DC. March 7-10


“Present Futures and the Legacies of Afrofuturism: Speculative Fiction, Globality, Utopia.” Humanities Institute, Penn State. October 16 (with Matt Tierney)

“The Dictator Novel: Writers and Politics in the Global South.” David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University. September 27

“Magical Realism, Dictator Novels, and ‘Booms’: Comparison with and through Latin America.” Department of Hispanic Studies, Brown University. September 25

“The Global South Novel: Before and After.” The Global South Novel. Society for Novel Studies. Cornell University. May 31-June 2

“Art Forms of Dimensions Tomorrow: The Aesthetics of Futurity in the Wake of Neoliberal Globalization.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). Los Angeles, CA. March 29-April 1

Academic Communities Beyond Campus: Collaborating, Networking, Connecting (workshop). American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). Los Angeles, CA. March 29-April 1

“The African Dictator in the 1990s: Post-Cold War Transitions and/as Permanent Crisis.” Dictatorship, Authoritarianism, and the Conceptual Mapping of the Global South. Thinking the Global South: A Critical Vocabulary for the Twenty-First Century. Penn State. March 16-17

Thinking the Global South: A Critical Vocabulary for the Twenty-First Century. Penn State. March 16-17

Mésaventures: The Politics and Poetics of the Dictator-Novel in the African Postcolony.” Department of Comparative Literature Luncheon. Penn State. February 26 (video)

“Homegoing: Reading the ‘Global’ African Novel in the Twenty-First Century.” Twenty-First Century African Writers. Modern Language Association (MLA). New York, NY. January 4-7

From Atlantic to Global (roundtable). Modern Language Association (MLA). New York, NY. January 4-7