Essay: “New Frontiers for the Afronaut in Maisha Maene’s Mulika.” ASAP/Review (2 September 2024) Link
Podcast: “Machine, System, Code: Masande Ntshanga and Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra.” Novel Dialogue 7.5 (6 June 2024) Link
Article: “Distant Lands and Climes: Latin American Criticism, World Literature, and Other Axes for Comparison.” State of the Field: Latin American Criticism & Theory at the First Quarter of the Twenty-First Century. FORMA: A Journal of Latin American Criticism & Theory 4.1: 99-120 (forthcoming March 2025)
Book Chapter: “Los festivales son las verdaderas novelas: Pola Oloixarac’s Mona and the Latin American Writer on the World Literary Circuit.” In El agotamiento del mundo en las literaturas y culturas de América Latina. Ed. Gesine Müller and Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 37-52 (forthcoming April 2025) (link)
Book Chapter: “Aftermaths: Martín Luis Guzmán’s La sombra del Caudillo (1929) and Comparative Approaches to Teaching Political Disillusionment.” In Teaching the Mexican Revolution, edited by Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado (expected 2025)
Book Chapter: “Comparative Literature and Thinking Across the Global South: The Grounds of South-South Comparison.” In The Oxford Handbook of the Global South, edited by Christopher J. Lee, Anne Garland Mahler, and Monica Popescu (expected 2025)
The Dictator Novel: Writers and Politics in the Global South. Northwestern University Press, 2019
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“Of Freedom and the Problem of the Future in Contemporary Diasporic African Speculative Fiction.” JALA: Journal of the African Literature Association 17.1 (2023): 132-150 Link
“Secret Histories: Detective Fiction, Hermeneutic Skepticism, and Bad Readers in the Contemporary African Novel.” ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 53.3 (2022): 49-79 Link
“The Contemporary Novel and the Global South: Relation, Recognition, and the Utopian Impulse.” Studies in the Novel 53.2 (2021): 165-85 Link
“Tales from the Corpolony: Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s Wizard of the Crow and the Dictator-Novel in the Time of Transition.” Special Issue on Performances of Sovereignty in African Dictator-Fiction. Research in African Literatures 49.3 (2018): 223-40 Link
“Afronauts: On Science Fiction and the Crisis of Possibility.” Special Issue on African Science Fiction. Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 3.3 (2016): 273-90 Link
“Beyond Metaphor: Juana Manuela Gorriti and Discourses of the Nation Under Juan Manuel de Rosas.” Latin American Literary Review 82.42 (2013): 26-46 Link
“Un Texto (Ex)Céntrico: Nation, Narrative, and Archive in Lucio V. Mansilla’s Una excursión a los indios ranqueles.” Latin American Literary Review 37.72 (2008): 52-82 Link
“Coetzee’s Latin America.” In The Bloomsbury Handbook to J.M. Coetzee, edited by Andrew van der Vlies and Lucy Graham. Bloomsbury, 2023, pp. 359-71
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“García Márquez and the Global South.” In The Oxford Handbook of Gabriel García Márquez, edited by Ignacio López-Calvo and Gene Bell-Villanda. Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 50-76
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“Marvelous Autocrats: Disrupted Realisms in the Dictator-Novel of the South Atlantic.” In The Global South Atlantic, edited by Kerry Bystrom and Joseph R. Slaughter. Fordham University Press, 2018, pp. 186-204
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“The Unfaithful Chronicler: On Writing about the Dictator in Henri Lopès’s Le Pleurer-rire.” In Unmasking the African Dictator: Essays on Postcolonial African Literature, edited by Gichingiri Ndigirigi. University of Tennessee Press, 2014, pp. 70-94
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“The Dictator and his Objects: The Status of the Fetish in the African Dictator-Novel.” In Unmasking the African Dictator: Essays on Postcolonial African Literature, edited by Gichingiri Ndigirigi. University of Tennessee Press, 2014, pp. 186-209
Purchase (U of TN Press) | pdf
“On Language and Empire: The Prologue to Grammar of the Castilian Language (1492).” PMLA 131.1 (2016): 197-208 Link
“New Frontiers for the Afronaut in Maisha Maene’s Mulika.” ASAP/Review (2 September 2024) Link
“Reclaiming the Cosmopolitan.” Symposium: Sarah Quesada’s The African Heritage of Latinx and Caribbean Literature (2022). Syndicate: Lit (April 2023) Link
“The African Novel at the Vanguard.” Book Forum: The African Novel of Ideas: Philosophy and Individualism in the Age of Global Writing by Jeanne-Marie Jackson (Princeton UP, 2020), Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 9.2 (2022): 243-50 Link
“Introduction: New Critical Directions in Global South Studies, Continuing the Conversation,” with Anne Garland Mahler. CLS: Comparative Literature Studies 59.1 (2022): 1-10 Link
“Introduction: New Critical Directions in Global South Studies,” with Anne Garland Mahler. CLS: Comparative Literature Studies 58.3 (2021): 465-85 Link
“The Dictator as Heuristic: Trump, Zuma, and the Hazards of Comparison.” Dossier: Trump, Zuma, and the Grounds of US-South African Comparison. Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies 21.4 (2020): 456-63 Link
“Representing Dictatorship in the Global South. Global South Studies (30 July 2019) Link
“Introduction: Dislocations.” The Global South 7.2 (2013): 1-10 Link
“Building Bridges,” with Shira Klein and Alexis Kuerbis. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning (March/April 2011): 57-58 Link
The Global South and Literature, ed. Russel West-Pavlov (Cambridge UP, 2018), Comparative Literature Studies 56.3 (2019): 609-612 Link
From the Tricontinental to the Global South: Race, Radicalism, and Transnational Solidarity by Anne Garland Mahler (Duke UP, 2018), Chasqui 47.2 (2018): R43-45 Link
In the Name of the Mother: Reflections on Writers and Empire and Globalectics: Theory and the Politics of Knowing by Ngugi wa Thiong’o (Review Essay). e-misférica 11.1 (2014): “The Decolonial Gesture” Link
The Nation Writ Small: African Fictions and Feminisms 1958-1988 by Susan Z. Andrade. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 33.1 (2013): 125-126 Link
“New Frontiers for the Afronaut in Maisha Maene’s Mulika.” ASAP/Review (2 September 2024) Link
“Reclaiming the Cosmopolitan.” Symposium: Sarah Quesada’s The African Heritage of Latinx and Caribbean Literature (2022). Syndicate: Lit (April 2023) Link
“Representing Dictatorship in the Global South. Global South Studies (30 July 2019) Link
“Machine, System, Code: Masande Ntshanga and Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra.” Novel Dialogue 7.5 (6 June 2024) Link
“Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra, The Dictator Novel: Writers and Politics in the Global South (Northwestern UP, 2019)” (interview with Victoria Lupașcu). New Books Network (18 February 2024) Link
“They’re Not Metaphorical Demons: Mariana Enríquez and Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra.” Novel Dialogue 5.5 (1 June 2023) Link
Co-Director (with Anne Garland Mahler and Leigh Anne Duck): Global South Studies: A Collective Publication with The Global South (2017 - present)
Book Reviews Editor (with Jonathan Abel): CLS: Comparative Literature Studies (2022 - present)
Editorial Collective (member): MFS: Modern Fiction Studies (2023 - present)
Co-Guest Editor (with Anne Garland Mahler): “New Critical Directions in Global South Studies: Continuing the Conversation” (Special Issue), CLS: Comparative Literature Studies 59.1 (2022) Link
Co-Guest Editor (with Anne Garland Mahler): “New Critical Directions in Global South Studies” (Special Issue), CLS: Comparative Literature Studies 58.3 (2021) Link
Guest Editor: “Dislocations” (Special Issue). The Global South 7.2 (2013) Link